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Yerkezhan Moldakenova

Annotation.The most important priorities of development of agricultural industry in modern conditions are the innovative processes allowing a message continuous updating of production on the basis of achievements of science and technology. Broad application of scientific and technical achievements is the most effective and effective form of ensuring sustainable development of branch, and scientific technical progress is defined by opportunities of an innovative way of development of agrarian production. In article examples of development of agrarian and industrial complex of Kazakhstan, Russia and Georgia are given.

Keywords: agricultural industry, innovative processes, agrarian and industrial complex, state regulation


Process of introduction of innovations in agricultural industry represents a constant and continuous stream of the concrete biological, biotechnological and technical ideas on creation of new scientific production (the equipment, technologies, new materials, new grades, breeds of animals) and finishing it before its use directly in agro-industrial production.

Experience of developed countries shows that success of innovative activity of agricultural organizations, scientific institutions can be realized successfully only at necessary changes in agrarian policy of the state. For improvement of effectiveness of development of agrarian and industrial complex and receiving new competitive production first of all it is necessary to arrange agricultural production and to introduce the received production on the domestic market, to make this production available to local population. Many prefer to buy products of domestic manufacturer, but on counters either foreign or domestic expensive production, i.e. not public.

Kazakhstan achieved considerable success in the field of economic transformations in recent years. The agrarian sector over the last 10 years shows sustained economic growth. The share of branch grew and reached 9,6% of GDP of the country. Kazakhstan more and more actively participates in world trade by production of agrarian sector. Volumes of deliveries increase. Now the Kazakhstan production about 170 names of over 2bln. dollars is exported to 38 countries [1].

The agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan represents one of primary branches of economy of the republic. In it about a third of a national income is made. The agrarian and industrial complex of Kazakhstan has considerable potential what the large volume of agricultural holdings which total area makes 223 million hectares, including arable lands - 21 million hectares testify to; high labor capacity of the village (about 45% of the population of the country live in the rural zone); favorable climatic conditions for cultivation of grain and leguminous crops, potatoes and vegetables; considerable capacity of territories of pastures for occupation by livestock production (84% of the total area of land grounds) [1].

For the purpose of realization of strategic tasks in development of agrarian and industrial complex which are ensuring domestic market with available high-quality agricultural products occupation of the leading positions in foreign markets, the state pursues system institutional policy. In this regard, the national operating Kazagro holding which enables the realization of public policy by ensuring effective management of investment assets and development of corporate culture of the affiliated joint stock companies which are carrying out activity in the agrarian and industrial complex sphere was created: JSC Food Contract Corporation; JSC Kazagrofinance; JSC Agrarian Credit Corporation; JSC Fund of Financial Support of Agricultural Industry; JSC Mal Onimderikorporatsiyasy; JSC Kazagromarketing; JSC Fund of Guaranteeing Performance of Obligations for Grain Receipts [1].

Consolidation in group of companies of holding of financial, productive and infrastructure resources allows to reach synergetic effect of rendering the joint and coordinated support of development of agrarian and industrial complex.

In this regard, the strategic directions of state regulation of agrarian and industrial complex are: stimulation of a gain in productivity of work of agrarian and industrial complex through industrialization and diversification, participation in ensuring food security of the country by means of development and regulation of the domestic food market, assistance to development and realization of the export potential of agrarian and industrial complex, development of available financial, production and service infrastructure of agrarian and industrial complex.

In the conditions of realization of strategic problems of development of agrarian and industrial complex of Kazakhstan at the regional level the main priority is production diversification, taking into account innovative tendencies of development of world economy. And in this regard, agrarian and industrial complex of the Kostanay region "The road map of business of 2020", "Agrobusiness-2020", the state program of the forced industrial and innovative development (SPFIID) realizes investment projects within state programs [1].

The innovative policy of Kazakhstan in agrarian branch is one of the strategic and priority directions. Expansion of innovative process, development of the innovations capable to provide continuous updating of technical, technological, organizational base of agricultural production and receiving new competitive production is the important factor improving effectiveness of development of agrarian and industrial complex. Regional aspects of innovative policy in Kazakhstan more and more active come to the agenda.

It is possible to achieve considerable success in development of agrarian and industrial complex only thanks to a complex of instruments of the state support which will allow to create optimum conditions for increase in competitiveness of subjects of agrarian and industrial complex in the conditions of the forthcoming accession to WTO, and also implementation of target state programs of stimulation of innovative development of agrarian and industrial complex of Kazakhstan.

Considering similarity of economic processes, in Russia in connection with introduction of the ban on import of agricultural production from some foreign countries the question of development of agricultural industry in the conditions of a difficult economic situation is particularly acute. The leading scientists, in particular, experts in the field of the national economy (E. I. Lipkovich [2], I. A. Minakov [3], V. I. Suslov [4], A. A. Chernyaev [5], R. G. Yanbykh [6], etc.), fairly note that innovative development of agrarian sector of economy needs state regulation, and it should be considered one of the most right ways of improvement of a condition of domestic agricultural industry.

For increase in innovative activity of agricultural producers and expansion of scales of development of agricultural industry on an innovative basis, and also creations and development of the institutional environment necessary for development and large-scale use of innovations and, respectively, acquisition stimulation agricultural producers of hi-tech cars and the equipment within implementation of the state program of development of agricultural industry and regulation of the markets of agricultural production, raw materials and food for 2013-2020, developed the state program "Development of agro-industrial complex of the Nizhny Novgorod Region" till 2020", approved by the resolution of the government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region of October 23, 2013 No. 767.The main objectives of the program are: strengthening of a financial and economic condition of agricultural producers, stimulation of innovative activity and innovative development of agrarian and industrial complex, support of development of production infrastructure, technical and technological capacity of agrarian and industrial complex, a scientific methodological support of effective development of agrarian and industrial complex, improvement of quality of life of a rural population, formation of personnel capacity of agrarian and industrial complex in the Nizhny Novgorod Region [7].Following the results of 2013 according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Resources of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, 25,9 billion rubles, including from the federal budget – 2,2 billion rubles (8,4% of the total amount of financing) were directed to 3,5 billion rubles to implementation of the regional target program "Development of Agro-industrial Complex of the Nizhny Novgorod Region for 2013-2020" approved by the resolution of the government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region of December 04, 2012 No. 882, from the regional budget (13,5%), by 0,05 billion rubles from the local budget (0,2%), 20,2 billion rubles – means of the organizations and credit resources (77,9%). In total actual financing made 99,7% of planned values of the program, including of the federal budget – 98,9%, from regional – 99,7%, of the local budget – 95,2%, other sources – 100%. Capital investments made 694,0 million rubles of the total amount of financial means [8].

For Georgia agricultural industry not only part of national economy, but also part of its history, mentality and cultural heritage. Georgian wines, tangerines, tea are familiar to each person living in the territory of the former Soviet Union. Uniqueness of a geographical location caused existence in the territory of the country of 22 various microclimatic zones and 49 types of soil. And, in spite of the fact that Georgia is located in the central and western part of Transcaucasia, 43,4% (more than 3 million hectares) of its territory treat farmlands. As well as all countries which were a part of the USSR, Georgia had hard economic times that, certainly, exerted negative impact and on agricultural industry which moved by inertia. Today, having chosen the European vector of development, the government of the country intends to carry out high-quality changes of public policy in agrarian branch and to promote its development.

On the basis of data of a research of the business conducted by Group of the World Bank in 2015, Georgia takes the 15th place in the rating of economies of the countries on usefulness of conditions of business. And it is high appreciation which once again shows the favorable enterprise environment in the country for opening and functioning of the enterprise [9].

Development of agricultural industry is one of the main priorities of the government of Georgia, accurately certain agrarian policy and significant growth in financial resources of agricultural sector will be a paramount guarantee of what. Strategic development of agricultural industry of Georgia provides creation of such environment based on the principles of sustainable development which will assist increase in competitiveness in agricultural industry, to stable increase in production of high-quality production, ensuring food security and overcoming poverty in the village.

Within realization of agrarian policy assistance will be rendered development of the market of farmlands, the register of farmers will be created, the agricultural sector will be provided with service and raw materials, the credit and leasing agricultural system will be strengthened and developed, small and average farmers will be provided with available money. Productivity, profitability and competitiveness will increase in agrarian sector, income gained from agricultural production will increase. The Government budget, the credits and grants given by the certain donor countries and the international organizations, private investments (local and foreign) will be a source of financing of agricultural industry.

The strategy of development of agricultural industry of Georgia for 2014-2020 covers seven main directions: increase in competitiveness of farmers and employed in agrarian sector; assistance to development of production of the full cycle creating additional costs; institutional development and trainings; development of regional and agricultural infrastructure; safety of products; harmlessness of products, Wednesday and biovariety.

Realization of these strategically important actions will promote rate of development of agricultural industry of Georgia, efficiency, increase in production and expansion of the export markets of production of the Georgian production. The "Strategies of Development of Agricultural Industry of Georgia for 2014-2020" project was developed as a result of cooperation of the Georgian agricultural department with the Organization of food and agricultural industry of the UN (FAO). The Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia and FAO in July, 2013 issued the agreement with the purpose of development of the Georgian agricultural sphere. According to the document, FAO takes the obligation to assist the government of Georgia in implementation of those tasks which are reflected in the strategy of development of agricultural industry for 2012-2022, in the strategic action plan for 2013-2015 and in other documents [10].

Cooperation between the parties will be carried out in six main priority directions: the help in connection with creation of policy; increase in sources of the income and food security of the population in the post-conflict environment; health of animals; protection of plants; safety of food and consumer protection; forest branch and fish breeding.



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7. The state program "Development of agro-industrial complex of the Nizhny Novgorod Region" till 2020 [An electronic resource]. URL: http://base.consultant. ru (date of the address: 31.10.2014).

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9. Army A.E., Kochubey of Page E., Naumov E. A. Sustainable development of national economies and world finance in the 21st century. - Astana, 2011.- 480 pages.

10. Information from the website of agrarian and industrial complex the Inform: [Electron. resource] / access Mode: http://www.apk-inform.com/ru/exclusive/topic/1052369#.WLj-um_yjIU